All of us have received something from God that is capable of being planted. Our solution is the Gospel, the Good news  of Jesus Christ, the son of the living God. 

Become Partner

Become our ministry partner Today! Join us to build together! To Become partner, If you are not a VCMI partner, there is no better time than right now to get involved! We plant together & we Harvest Together.

How Can you Help?

We need your prayers and support to help us reach more people with the message of faith and accomplish all that God has called us to do.

Make greater impact

It takes all of us pulling together to see men, women, and children saved, healed, and set free. You see, supporting the gospel is just as important as delivering the gospel

Changing lives

There is no better time than right now to join us and help carry the Gospel to lost and hurting people around the world? Will you make a difference?


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04 Different Ways to Give or support.


his is a Secret for Uncommon Destiny. Listening Is Different Than Reading.

You cannot read and do other things at the same time. Reading requires total focus. You have to move away from everything else that you are doing.

However, listening can begin the moment you awaken. This is powerful. While you are washing your face, you can receive the words of Jesus into your spirit. While you are shaving, taking a bath or making up your bed, you can receive His words into the soil of your mind, Most of us take an hour or so to birth our day. 

That is 60 minutes that the holy words of God could be washing your mind.

You Can Make A Difference
You Can Help Changing Lives.

Contact Our Church


2122 ACT Circle, Iowa City, IA52245



Habit Of Listening

His Word Cleanses.

His Word Energizes.

His Word is Life.

His Word Purges and Purifies.

His Word Corrects you

His Word Warns.

His Word Brings peace.

His Word Births an Invisible Joy.

Nobody else can do this for you. You must pursue The Word of God for yourself. Today. Concentrate on developing this habit. His Word is the most important thing you will hear today. It will change you and your life forever. Create The Habit of Listening To Scripture Daily. It is One of the Secrets of the Uncommon Champion.

Habit Of Listening

His Word Cleanses.

His Word Energizes.

His Word is Life.

His Word Purges and Purifies.

His Word Corrects you

His Word Warns.

His Word Brings peace.

His Word Births an Invisible Joy.

Nobody else can do this for you. You must pursue The Word of God for yourself. Today. Concentrate on developing this habit. His Word is the most important thing you will hear today. It will change you and your life forever. Create The Habit of Listening To Scripture Daily. It is One of the Secrets of the Uncommon Champion.

Habit Of Listening

His Word Cleanses.

His Word Energizes.

His Word is Life.

His Word Purges and Purifies.

His Word Corrects you

His Word Warns.

His Word Brings peace.

His Word Births an Invisible Joy.

Nobody else can do this for you. You must pursue The Word of God for yourself. Today. Concentrate on developing this habit. His Word is the most important thing you will hear today. It will change you and your life forever. Create The Habit of Listening To Scripture Daily. It is One of the Secrets of the Uncommon Champion.